Q&A (In The Matter of My Very First Petition Ever)
Yes, it's official! I'm starting my very first petition ever today! My petition will be up (online only) by the end of today, & I hope I'm not alone in this, because I can't be the only one who's experienced practically taking the fall for either, another library card holder's theft & or for a library employee's lack of checking the "Stay Sharp" kit in question before they checked it out to me with missing items!
Furthermore, this petition I'm starting is going to, in addition to the aforementioned, highlight other serious reasons why security cameras should be in place at every local library in this state. | Questions I'm asking all of my viewers & The Charronorama Squad (which you can then ask your self & people you know, to bring awareness to this topic of discussion): | Q: Have you ever noticed a sign in front of your local library that reads, "SAFE PLACE"? | - If you haven't, that's okay. - In front of the entrance to the "James I. Gibson" library in Henderson, Nevada, there is such a sign, but after today, I don't feel as safe as I felt, because I was informed by a male employee I see working the front desk pretty regularly when I go there to turn in the laptops & hotspots I've been borrowing & returning on time more than faithfully, there are no security cameras at this branch, with his specific words being, "There aren't any cameras here." | Q: Do other libraries in the state of Nevada have security cameras in place? | A: YES! I called the main phone number for Clark County libraries (non-Henderson) area, & the wonderful gentleman I spoke to over the phone for 1min & 27 sec [call connected @ 10:40 AM], had no problem answering my question, inquiring whether any Las Vegas area libraries had security cameras in place, etc. - He said, without any hesitation I might add, that several of their Las Vegas branches have cameras in place; they help mitigate theft & keep their guests & employees more safe. - I couldn't agree more! | Q: Henderson seems like a pretty safe city compared to Las Vegas, Downtown Vegas & The Strip, so why should we waste any of our tax dollars / hard earned money or possible grants or even think of hosting a fundraiser to make this happen, that being measly security cameras for a library? | A: What if a crime, such as theft, assault or battery, or even worse took place at your favorite library & YOU discovered there was NO SECURITY CAMERAS in place to prove your case?! What would you do? How would the police be able to prove what you're saying happened to you to be true? OR what if you were like me & had an abusive ex dating partner who you managed to barely get out from under their control who loves to lie to our everyday heroes (paramedics, EMTs, our police, firefighters, etc) & say that YOU "hurt him" in some way?! The first thing police asked me every single time, time & time & time again, was, & I quote, "So ... if we were to rewind cameras, we wouldn't see that you were here?" The answer is simple; NO CAMERAS, NO HELPING YOU! (Especially not in the age of Artificial Intelligence where our enemies can clone our voices & our faces, but that's a topic for a different week.). - Do you have a child or children of your own? If not, do you know someone who enjoys going to the library? Have you ever enjoyed any of the services your local library has offered to its community, such as 3D printing (free*), printing or making copies, often cheaper than most chain office stores (or free* if you're a student*)? Have you ever used any online resource offered by your local library, such as checking out eBooks, borrowing digital music & or streaming movies through connected sites like Hoopla (eBooks and more), Overdrive (eBooks & more) & or Kanopy (movie streaming)? It's 2025 already, & I'm sure we all know at least one person or relative or friend of a friend who either loves their local library & or who has needed to use one of their many services at least once in their life. Many people day in & day out are seen at your local library (A LOT more than you might think!). People go there to use the computer center, to use the study rooms, to home-school their children, to ace that exam, to apply for that job, to participate in that book challenge for prizes, to attend community events such as anxiety relief & preparedness safety classes, & this list goes on! Long story short, our local libraries foster education & employment opportunities (through bridging the gap for individuals (adults, children, our youth, & seniors alike) who, like me, who can't afford access to technology & the internet every day), individual growth, & community! As safe as a particular area may seem, it usually doesn't take long for those ruining the library experience for others to target a branch that doesn't have the same security measures in place that other local branches do. Would a criminal rob the same business or bank twice? They just might try, but their chances of getting away with another crime at the same location would be pretty difficult, especially if the business or bank affected put up a picture taken from security footage up to not only identify a wanted or banned person from the establishment, but also to show others they mean business & will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Where does that send the wrongdoers? It sends them to the places that take things for granted, & to be UBER CLEAR, I'm NOT saying the "James I. Gibson" library is taking anything for granted, but I am asking, how can they have a sign right in front of their entrance that reads, "SAFE PLACE" when they don't have one of thee most essential security measures in place that several other library branches have in this state (& with good reason)? What if someone like my ex were to show up where I'm at due his stalking behaviors & cause me harm? I would be S.O.L., because every single effing time I've ever rightfully called the police on him to report his various abuses towards me while we were "together" (ew!), the cops NEVER listened to me. It got sooooooo bad in March of 2024, that 5 times before our final split (which I made sure happened for my sake), Metro wanted to cuff me without letting me speak (& I'M THE ONE WHO CALLED 9-1-1 CRYING FOR HELP), because after they would ask him, "What happened today?" he would lie up the arse about how I purportedly called them for no reason & he was "the one hurt by me in one way or another"; ALL HIGHLY FALSE". Without camera footage & or a witness, I would've been arrested!!! Do unto others as you'd want done to you! It's that simple. You might think someone stealing from the library isn't a big deal, but IT IS! I'm already a walking emotional disaster after all of the severe trauma on trauma on trauma my ex, "Tristan" left me with (& counting). I literally broke down in the library today, crying & going on about how I'm such an honest person in life & all it takes is some other person (in this case, whoever stole the effing other two games I never knew existed in the "Stay Sharp" kit in question, in which I turned in this morning; Wednesday, January 15, 2025 [in another slew of cases, my ex, "Tristan"]) to mess things up for everyone else. & YES; I admit I had an attitude over the situation this morning (who wouldn't), but nobody was hurt in the least (I just stated in a very stern voice the condition I received the "Stay Sharp" kit in question in, the fact I can't believe nobody inspected it before checking it out to me considering they are only kept behind the Front Desk, how emotionally distressed I quickly became over the matter, & how, & I quote, "I know I don't work here, & this is probably not my place to say, but you should get some cameras in here to mitigate issues like this." I also apologized for my attitude prior to my graceful exit, knowing what I know had to do, which brings us here. - Had the "James I. Gibson" library had security cameras in place, they would've seen proof the condition I received the "Stay Sharp" kit in question in, & they would've been able to go back further & see who was the first person to return it with missing items. This is now more serious than this for me. I must now move to a different library branch entirely to ensure my ex doesn't know where I choose to study, to read, & to de-stress. Libraries are like a safe haven to me, but I can't be at a library that doesn't have security cameras, so I cancelled all of my hold requests at this branch & after my week with this laptop is up, I will be seeking another library to go to. I did presume all libraries have security cameras in place, so it was to my jaw-dropping surprise that's not the case. It is with all of this, I feel as a long time visitor & on/off resident of The Silver State & now (as of March 24, 2024) official resident of Nevada, I must bring this to YOUR attention. Yes, YOU! I know if we all come together, we can make this happen! Security cameras have advanced over the years, so they can even be USB/wall-outlet powered (a more cost effective approach!). If executed properly, having security cameras in place in all libraries across our state has the potential to foster new jobs for those who know the ins & outs of such technologically advanced security measures, ensuring proper setup & instruction on how to pull feed is given to our beloved library personnel.|
"Nine cents of every gallon of gasoline purchased in Clark County is used to fund roadway projects."
"A portion of sales tax collected in Clark County is used to fund roadway projects."
As you can see, the information contained in the links above give you a glimpse of where our money* goes (& has been going for quite some time). & I'm NOT saying where our money has been going is bad, NOT IN THE LEAST.|
I'm ONLY saying, "If we can fund really expensive things like a stadium, a sphere, & making one of the deadliest roads (Boulder Highway) safer, then we should be able to help our friends at the "James I. Gibson" library by making them feel more safe in knowing they'll not only be able to better protect their rightful property by mitigating theft, but also in knowing they will be able to better help their workers & everyday guests should the need arise again.
* Q: Why did I start going to this branch of Henderson libraries in the first place, knowing my ex is a resident of [omitted]?
A: The reason I started going to the "James I. Gibson" library in the first place is due to the fact I had to stop going to my usual library (Flamingo Library) due to my ex, "Tristan" being the stalker (irl & cyberly) that he is (he kept going there, according to several sources, personal & non-personal, long after our final split to see if I was there). - When the courts granted my temporary (45 day) protection order against him the day after I requested it, the judge who approved that allowed Flamingo Library to be a place he had to stay away from, because it fell into the category of places the applicant (me) regularly frequents (& with educational purpose). - When the first protection order extension was granted on April 17th, 2024, that judge said he couldn't add the library as a place he had to stay away from due to, & I quote, "I can't do the library. - It's a public place." - I know. - The "James I. Gibson" branch is NOT the closest branch to where I last knew him to live (which is where he must still live given facts I am not at the liberty to disclose to the public; there's still far too much legal going on, so there will be no discussion there- As much as I'd like to keep you all updated, I, again, am not at the liberty to discuss super sensitive information, hence why I don't use his real name online ever since I saved my life by closing the door on his sick idea of "us").
More Q&A will be added to this page as more questions are asked of me by you!
Thank you, sooooooo very much, for stopping by & for taking the time to here what I had to say! I hope this inspired you to advocate for places in your area to follow a "Better safe than sorry" motto!
Until next time, Stay safe, Stay w3ird, & stay true to you! Byeeeeeeee! :)))
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